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Бул.Крсте Мисирков 28, Скопје bul. Krste Misirkov 28, Skopje

February 6, 2020


Headache – Dr. Teuta Dalipi

Headache is one of the most common pain syndromes. According to statistics, every fifth person has frequent or persistent headaches. Their existence dates back some 5,000 years, but the first description of headaches was given by Hippocrates (460 – 370 BC). During the life of the headache occurs at least once in 70-95% of people and most often at the age of 20-40 years, women are more likely to suffer from headaches than men and this ratio is 2: 1 / It is more prevalent in people employed in administrative services, or who have greater ambitions than personal opportunities.

There have been several headache classifications throughout history, according to the new International Headache Classification they are divided into 14 classes, divided into 3 groups.

Primary headaches in this group are: migraine, tension, cluster and trigeminal headache.

Secondary headaches or symptoms (after injury, vascular causes, infections, impaired homeostasis, various substances).

III Neuralgia and other unclassified headaches

Depending on the cause of the headache, so will the treatment.

Primary headaches are headaches that require specific treatment and therapy precisely because a neurologist needs to be consulted. The group of secondary or symptomatic headaches also requires treatment, but in this case, the first cause of the headache is to be found and remedied. Determining the cause requires: medical examination, additional diagnostic procedures such as RTG, CTM EEG, MRI and neurological examination.

Not every headache should be treated, but if the headaches are frequent and persistent you should contact your GP and a neurologist if necessary.