а)Pre –school children and pupils center and polyvalent patronage
b)Health protection center for children until 14 years old
c)Center for monitoring children born with a risk factor.
Work objective: Providing primary, preventive and dental care for children until 14 years old as well as dental polyvalent services and visits for all ages
Management approaches and methods: Cooperation between department leaders and experts ensures a successful implementation of the work duties and facilitates improvements in the working process.
Dr. Ivan Dvojakov
Specialist pediatrician
Primary Healthcare Service Unit – Centar
PHC Service “Centar” OU
“Centar” OU, PHC Service, as an organizational unit of PHI “Health Center of Skopje “- Skopje, provides preventive health care for the population of the Municipality of Centar as well as for part of the Municipality of Chair.
PHC Service-“Centar” OU has two facilities:
1.” Bit Pazar” Polyclinic
2. “Idadija” Polyclinic
Centar OU- PHC service doctors:
3 Pediatric specialist doctors
3 doctors for school medicine
3 specialist doctors for pneumophtisology
5 specialist doctors for preventive children dentistry
3 general medicine specialists
5 dental specialists
1 specialized nurse – general medicine
1 high radiological technician
1 graduated social worker
2 medicinal laboratory technicians
5 Labor nurses
19 nurses
11 dental assistants
31 technicians
Centar OU- PHC service consists of:
A.Department for Health care and protection for pre-school and school children
B. Department for preventative dental health care of children
C. Department for health care on third shift, Sundays and Holidays
D. Polyvalent patronage Independent Department
E. Department for protection from Lung diseases and tuberculosis
F. Technical service
1. “Bit Pazar” Polyclinic
Bul. Krste Misirkov bb
Cental: 31 34 534
In “Bit Pazar” Polyclinic, the preventive health care is offered in the following centers:
- Center for children’s dental healthcare and protection
- Center for preventive and health protection for pupils
- Center for medical care and protection on the third shift, Sundays and holidays
- Independent department of polyvalent patronage
- Center for protection from Lung diseases and tuberculosis
2. “Idadija” Polyclinic
St. Ivo Lola Ribar bb
Central: 31 13 033
In “Idadija” polyclinic, the preventive health care is offered in the following centers:
– Preventive health care ordinances for pre-school children
– Children’s dental healthcare ordinances
А. Department for Preventive Health Care for Pre-School Children and Students
Preventive health care teams for pre-school continuously carry out mandatory systematic check-ups, vaccination according to the calendar for regular immunization of children aged 0-6 years. The centers also provide a health certificate for the status of the vaccination as well as the child’s health condition, if necessary, upon parent’s request. There are 5 working groups consisting of pediatrician doctors, general medicine doctors and medical nurses. 3 groups work in the centers for preventive health care of pre-school children in “Bit Pazar” polyclinic, in the centers for preventive health care of pre-school children in “Idadija” polyclinic there are 2 working groups.
- Department for preventive health protection for pre-school and school children- Bit Pazar
Bit Pazar
Telephone: 31 34 534 / loc. 423
Working hours 07:30 – 20:30
Vaccination in shift I from 08:00 to 12:00 and shift II from 14:00 to 18:00
Vaccination is done according to the following schedule:
Monday Di –Te –Per , Polio , Hepatitis B , HiB, Di-Те-Pеr- II revaccination , Мantu test Di –Te –Per, Polio, Hepatitis B, HiB, Di-Те-Pеr- II revaccination ,
Tuesday Di –Te –Per, Polio , Hepatitis B , HiB, Di-Те-Pеr –revaccination , MRP Di –Te –Per, Polio, Hepatitis B, HiB, Di-Те-Pеr- II revaccination ,
Wednesday Di –Te –Per , Polio , Hepatitis B , HiB, Di-Те-Pеr- II revaccination , Di-Те-Per, Di-Те-Per, Polio, Hepatitis B, HiB, II revaccination , Di –Te –Per,
Thursday Di –Te –Per , Polio , Hepatitis B , HiB, Di-Те-Pеr- II revaccination, BSZH , Di-Те-Per, Polio, Hepatitis B, HiB, Di-Те-Pеr- II revaccination ,
Friday Di –Te –Per , Polio , Hepatitis B , HiB, Di-Те-Pеr- II revaccination , Di –Te –Per, Polio , Hepatitis B, HiB, Di-Те-Pеr- II revaccination,
2. Preventive Health Care Department for Pre-school Children- Idadija
Teleohone: 31 13 033 / loc. 110
Working hours 07:30 – 20:30
Vaccination on shift I from 08: 00h to 12: 00h and shift II from 14: 00-18: 00
Vaccination is done according to the following schedule:
Monday Di –Te –Per , Polio , Hepatitis B , HiB, Di-Те-Pеr- II revaccination , MRP Di –Te –Per, Polio, Hepatitis B, HiB, Di-Те-Pеr- II revaccination , MRP
Tuesday Di –Te –Per , Polio , Hepatitis B , HiB, Di-Те-Pеr- II revaccination , MRP Mantu test Di –Te –Per, Polio, Hepatitis B, HiB, Di-Те-Pеr- II revaccination, MRP
Wednesday Di –Te –Per , Polio , Hepatitis B , HiB, Di-Те-Pеr- II revaccination , Di –Te –Per, Polio, Hepatitis B, HiB, Di-Те-Pеr- II revaccination ,
Thursday Hepatitis B , HiB, MRP Hepatitis B, HiB, MRP
Friday MRP Hepatitis B, HiB, MRP, BSZH, Hepatitis B, HiB, MRP
3. Preventive health care and protection department for school children
Telephone: 31 34 534 / loc.399
Working hours 07:30 – 15:00
The main activities of preventive teams are: systematic checks, vaccination of school children according to the schedule for regular immunization, as well as relevant health education lectures according to the age of the students. Preventive Health Care center for students is located in “Bit Pazar” clinic. The work is done by 4 teams, including doctors of medicine, general practitioners and nurses. In cooperation with the schools throughout the school year, the primary school students of grades I, II and III are systematically controlled in the school buildings, as well as grades I and II on secondary schools. Also according to the schedule for compulsory immunization, vaccination takes place in the II and VIII grade of elementary schools as well as grade IV in secondary schools. Students who haven’t been vaccinated at school can appear on the Bit Pazar Clinic every Wednesday from 08:00 to 12:00h to get vaccinated
B. Preventive Dental Health Protection department of children
1. Preventive dental health care center – Bit Pazar;
Telephone: 31 34 534 / loc. 421
Working hours 07:30 – 20:30
2. Preventive Center for Dental Health Protection of Children -Idadija;
Тelephone: 31 13 033 / loc.
Working hours 07:30 – 20:30
Preventive center for children dental healthcare deals with the prevention of oral diseases in children aged 0-14 years. The measures consist of regular as well as systematic checks, education and counseling for healthy oral care for pre-school and school children. The regular adjustment of the first permanent molar as well as the application of fluoride (exogenous and endogenous) is performed on first grade students. There is a total number of 11 teams operating in clinics and schools, that consist of specialist doctors in pediatric dentistry, dentists and dental assistants. 6 teams work in the Preventive Dental healthcare clinic for Children – Bit Pazar, in the preventive dental healthcare clinic for children – Idadija work 3 teams and one team in dental clinics in PS(primary school),, Dimitar Milladinov, ” and PS. “J.H. Pestalozzi “.
– Third shift, Sunday and holiday health care Center
Telephone: 31 34 534
Working hours 19:00 – 07:30; Sundays and holidays: 24 hours
Dental wardship center is located in “Bit Pazar” polyclinic and is open on the third shift, Sundays and holidays. There are three teams, a dentist and a dental assistant on duty. Wardship dentists facilitate dental first aid.
C. Independent Department for Polyvalent Patronage
Telephone 02/31 34 568
Working hours 07:30 – 15:00
The polyvalent patronage is a separate unit whose staff is trained to provide preventative services to the family and offer solutions to all the most important social and medical problems in the family.
The nurses and labor nurses work in PPD on the spaces of “Bit Pazar” polyclinic.
Contact and arrangements for advice, planning daily visits to families and contacting other institutions are available every working day from 07:30 – 09: 30h
- Field work – Family visits (outpatients)
Of major priority are newborns, puerperal women, pregnant women, infants, children and the elderly (over 65 years), specifically deprived groups, special need children and others. Along with the healthcare service and in cooperation with Social Welfare Centers and the Red Cross there are also educational community activities.
D. Anti-lung diseases and tuberculosis-protection department
Тelephone: 32 26 988
Working hours од 07:30 – 14:00
The Anti-Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis Protection Team offer consultative, preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic health services for patients with lung diseases and tuberculosis. The team of experts consists of doctor specialists of pneumophysiologists, social workers, senior radiologists, laboratory technicians and nurses.
The department consists of:
– children’s clinic
– Clinic for Major Population
– Spirometry cabinet
– GRT Cabinet
– Laboratory for Basic Blood Analysis
– Laboratory for microscopic saliva examination
All necessary investigations are carried out during the day.
Mantu test is available every Monday, Tuesday and Friday
E. Technical Service
Working hours 07:30 – 20:30
The technical service works on two buildings and carries out the technical tasks of the OU “Centar” service for PHC.