(+389) 3134-534

Бул.Крсте Мисирков 28, Скопје bul. Krste Misirkov 28, Skopje



Director of PHI ‘’Skopje Health Center ‘’

Mr. Besim Koka was born on 27th March, 1977 in Skopje where he also finished primary school in 1992 and high school in “Zef Lush Marku” gymnasium in 1996. In 2004, he graduated with a BA deegree in the Faculty of Economics at the state university of Tetovo.  He is on his final year of his postgraduate studies in the field of finance at the Faculty of Economics.

He has built his career with various professional commitments as:

-Regional Empowering Coordinator in Finances and Administration in “Save the Children”  – SEE Program – Republic of Kosovo (1999-2005);

– Director of “STAR Group” DOO Skopje From 2005-2009 (Diapers Factory).

– In 2009, he was elected Director of PHI St. Naum Ohridski – Skopje where he served until 2011. Since 2011 has served as the Director of the PHI Health Center in Skopje.

– He has attended several trainings on a professional level like:

Emergency and Defense, Sofie – Republic of Bulgaria; Preventing the separation of children in Nairobi – Kenya; Competencies in Administration, Skopje – Republic of Macedonia; Policy on Protection of Children’s Rights, Ohrid – Republic of Macedonia; Institutional Workshop on donor fundraising strategy, Pristina – Republic of Kosovo; Academic writing (18 hours AUK course), Pristina – Republic of Kosovo: SAN (Accounting System), Sofia – Republic of Bulgaria; Management and Leadership program in Health (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Macedonia). Besim Koka has successfully passed the ’Health and Leadership Management’ Exam (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Macedonia) and ‘Advanced Management and Leadership in Health’.

During his career so far, Mr. Coca has been engaged on multiethnic and multi-cultural projects. He has outstanding teamwork managing and leading skills, he also works well with others as a team player.

He believes that working in a group where mutual respect among colleagues and a relaxed environment is established contributes to achieving the best results as a team.

By being a manager for a long period of time and by collaborating with different profile individuals he has proven to be a remarkable coordinator and a reliable assistant as well.

Në të njëjtën kohë mund të zgjidh probleme të ndryshme, duke marrë parasysh kohën dhe objektivat që duhet të arrihen. Përveç detyrave të përditshme që dalin nga puna në një grup për të realizuar me sukses qëllimin, Z. Koka menaxhon me sukses projekte të financuara nga fonde të huaja dhe të brendshme.

He manages to anticipate and solve problems to ensure that the objectives are achieved in time.  In addition to the day-to-day tasks in a team to effectively accomplish the goal, Mr. Koka successfully manages projects funded from foreign and domestic funds too.

He is also present in sports events as chairman of Futsal Skopje since 2013.

Mr. Koka has good computer skills in: MS Word, MS Excel, Outlook, Power Point, and Internet. In addition to the native Albanian, he also speaks Macedonian, English and Turkish. He is certified as a B2 user of English.

Mr. Besim Koka is married and he is a father of three children.