Winter is a time that increases the number of doctor visits. The reason for colds and flu in winter is cold weather and indoors. As a species, people adapt to and depend on the cold because it strengthens the immune system and the immune system against other serious illnesses. Causes of influenza and flu are viruses, and 80% of rhino viruses cause upper respiratory tract infections, coronaviruses, adenovirus influenza viruses. The virus spreads more rapidly when immune system fails, such as exposure to cold air, daily variation in temperature (getting out of hot to cold), poor clothing, polluted air, mental and physical stress, poor nutrition that can lead to colds. It is common for a healthy adult to get sick twice a year, and for children it is 6 to 12 times different.
Why do children get sick more easily?
On average children younger than three years get colds 6 to 8 times a year because of their immature immune system and their inability to cope with the viruses they encounter for the first time. Children do not know how to wipe or swell their nose, cough and sneeze and viruses end up in their toys, clothes and etc. Outdoor viruses can survive up to 30 minutes. Frequent colds in early life can protect the child in late life. Scientists have found that children who are more likely to get sick at preschool age have fewer illnesses during school days. This is because the immune system has learned to recognize and fight viruses.
For colds, the disease begins abruptly after a brief incubation of one to three days with a mild throat sensation, a feeling of choked or poisoned nose, frequent sneezing, and then a runny nose. The disease is characterized by normal body temperature or slightly elevated but not higher than 38 degrees. Symptoms of inflammation vary depending on the patient’s immune system and depend on the virulence of the cause. At first a dry cough occurs and then it becomes productive.
Symptoms Frequency
Throat pain Often
Stuffy nose Often
Nasal leak Often
Cough Often
Snort Often
Rhinitis Often
Vertigo Occasionally
Fatigue Occasionally
Muscle pain Occasionally
Главоболка Seldom
Fever Seldom
Unlike the common cold, the flu has a high fever of over 38 degrees Celsius, general pain, muscle and joint pain, headache, long-lasting and persistent cough.
Causes of the flu are three types of ABC viruses and their variations. It is epidemic. Man is infected three to five days after the onset of symptoms.
It is transmitted by droplet (by inhalation of small drops from the area of the diseased and infected person), either directly or indirectly (by touching door handles, work surfaces). For this reason, it is recommended to stay confined in crowded indoors such as sports facilities, cinemas, theaters, halls, indoor shopping centers. Prohibition of sick children in kindergarten and school while the illness lasts.
There are great and simple ways to reduce the risk of colds and flu. It is important to know that these methods cannot replace the flu vaccine,
Do not take antibiotics on your own without a doctor’s recommendation. The intake must be strictly controlled.