(+389) 3134-534

Бул.Крсте Мисирков 28, Скопје bul. Krste Misirkov 28, Skopje

Skopje Health Centre- Skopje, was established on 08.04.1970, due to the integration of several health centers in the city of Skopje (alignment of 33 scattered houses), with the initiative and experience of the world health organization, to ensure an integrated health care approach for the population.  As an integrated healthcare organization, the PHI Skopje Health Center is responsible for the unity of preventative and consultative health care for the population of the city and beyond. The organization of work in the institution is based on the principles of availability, rationality and continuity of healthcare as well as evidence-based medicine.  The center of the area in which it is established provides the following services:  –       Quick medical assistance with home treatment –       Preventive healthcare for preschool children and pupils until the age of 18-       Programs for early detection and prevention of certain diseases-       Preventive dental health care for children-       Quick dentistry assistance –       Polyvalent patronage –       Advisory-specialist activities; internal medicine; neuropsychiatry and neurology; psychiatry, physical medicine and rehabilitation, orthopedics, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, dermatovenereology, pneumophysiology, x-ray diagnostics and laboratory work.-       Preventive health services for athletes-       Supply of medicines and medical aids for carrying out the activities mentioned in the center –       Health statistics  

The main purpose of the internal organization is to promote the quality and efficiency of the health care of the population in accordance with the health sector reform processes, the growth of the economy and the release of resources that can be used to introduce new forms and technologies in health care.

All of this is based on modern management (planning  and management) that meets the concept of organization and management in the country’s healthcare system where full, continuous, quality, effective and rational preventive and consultative health care is achieved.

Through continuous medical education and continuous professional development through the standards of good medical practice and the introduction of appropriate economic and financial instruments, a higher degree of quality of health services is influenced.

The purpose of the new health policy is to preserve and promote health, prolong the lifespan and improve the quality of life of the individual and the general population.

The Skopje Health Center provides health services in the following health institutions: 

Bit Pazar Poyclinic, Bukuresht polyclinic

Jane Sandanski Poyclinic, Çento Poyclinic

Head of Polyclinic, Idadija Poyclinic, Gjorçe Petrov Poyclinic, Draçevo Poyclinic, Shuto Orizari Poyclinic and  Ministry of Internal Affairs polyclinic (MIA)

Center for emergency medical assistance and home treatment

Institute of Sports Medicine

Institute for Mental Health of Children and Youth ‘’Mladost’’  and

Institute for mothers and children.

When healthcare is provided, healthcare workers are obliged to look after beneficiaries who receive health care, respect their dignity and obey medical ethics and medical doctrine to maintain professional secrecy, which applies also to other employees who use medical records.  Health service recipients at the center must respect house rules, respect the advice and guidance of health care workers and other home employees, and have the right to an objection regarding the exercise of health care rights.  The working process of the center is public.  The publication on the work of the House is provided through: – the presence of media representatives in the sessions of the Board of Directors, if there is such interest, with the prior approval of the Board of Directors.-by providing contact with media representatives with the Director of the Chamber or with experts from the relevant field, authorized by him and employed by the chamber of representatives. – Issuance of announcements for the activities of the center – Issuance of an informative bulletin – Consistent information in accordance with the Law, Collective Agreement, Statute and other general acts of the center. The following general acts will be approved in order to regulate issues of importance for the work and functioning of the center.  

   1. Collective Agreement as part of the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the employees at the Skopje Health Center Skopje

        2. Regulation on work organization and systematization of job positions.

       3. Regulation on professional development and training of the staff at the center.

     4. Regulation on Organization and Facilitation of Emergency Medical care, Patient Care and Internal Treatment at the Health Center in Skopje.

      5. Regulation on use and maintenance of medical utensils

  1. Regulation on the reception procedure of patients during preventive specialist-consultative healthcare services.
  2. Regulation on the content and method of the implementation of internal supervision over the professional work of health care workers and other healthcare collaborators.
  3. Regulation on the types and methods of the use of work and protective clothing for health care workers and other collaborators.
  4. Regulation on safety at work
  5. Regulation on health care in terms of the state of war
  6. Regulation for Business and Professional Secrecy
  7. Other general acts determined by law, collective agreement and statute


Chief Economist of the Health Center of PHI Skopje, Skopje.  Health Insurance Fund within the framework of the Regional Office Skopje.

Most of the total incomes are attained through the Fund, while the remaining revenues are from own resources like: medical certificates, medical examinations, systematic examinations of employees, recruited examiners, aviation personnel and other insignificant incomes.The total number of the staff is 1298, out of which 947 are healthcare workers and 351 administrative staff.  The health Center remains a functional unit on offering specialist-consultative, preventive services and other specific health-care services.